With all the recent discussions around Mastodon and how it is different, possibly better, I thought there is no way to judge that without using the platform first, be a native resident”.

But I have come to realise one fact, I just can’t post actively at multiple places. Especially important, none of those places can not be my blog. It has to be posted on my blog first and may then flow into other systems. POSSE.

Micro.blog was covered, via feeds. It had also got me covered for Twitter. Mastodon didn’t look to be an easy case. There is no easy way to push updates from feeds to Mastodon. Web hooks may be the only feasible way. I thought I had to get a more seamless solution than that.

And what better may to do that than syndicating right while posting. So I have updated Blotpub to support syndication to Mastodon. I can now indicate the Micropub clients to syndicate current posts to Mastodon. Nice!