Last week, my whole family, near and distant, got together for my cousin’s wedding, and it kept me completely exhausted throughout this week. The venue for the wedding was unfamiliar to me and I am never comfortable at such places. I can never settle into any routinue of sorts, messing up my eating and sleeping habits, and invariably my body. The journey with a train to and from the destination, though, was wonderful. I have always had a fascination for the train rides, especially ones overnight. To be a resident of a world on wheels for a few hours is welcome — it distances you from all your regular thoughts. Each station the train halts at exhibits a different personality, lays out its own unique beauty for the traveling strangers. The skies in the dawns remain beautiful, the vacant stations late at nights are equally mesmerising.

All said, notwithstanding the tiredness the event left me with, the train ride gave me enough memories to remember the two nights of the journey by. The week also saw me complete another of my #30day challenges. I am proud of this one, I learned so much. And I might have continued the challenge if it wasn’t for the hectic week. I will not, however, take photo-a-day as a challenge now. I want to make it regular, part of my blogging habit.

What #30day challenge should I sign up for next, then? Anyway, last week was a slow writing week in terms of number of posts. But in terms of number of words, I wrote more than what’s usual for me.

This is an introduction for this week’s issue of my weekly newsletter. I have realized the updates I begin my newsletter with every week get lost once it is out. So I intend to publish these as separate posts going ahead.