I have been working on an editor for Micro.blog that has a simple interface and works well even for long-form writing. I have written this post from what I call Scribe, a clean web-based editor that can post to Micro.blog.

This is a focused writing space with an editor that completely works on the client side. What I write is auto-saved locally. I can save the same to Micro.blog as a draft to be edited later there. Or I can post it to go live on my blog. There is a word/character counter and dark mode. And it also works on mobile.

Of course, this is not the first post I have published with Scribe – I have been using this for the past couple of days, fixing all the issues, big and small. Now, you can also try it out.

There’s nothing else to explain. Just get writing and sign in to Micro.blog, if you like it.