There has always been this indelible discussion to find out what makes all these successful corporates and biggies attain the status they hold. Be it Google, Apple, Ubuntu or Microsoft. One question would be why just these four? I would say they lead where they are. Anyways a general consensus is formed over work ethics and culture and innovation and customer satisfaction and blah blah blah. But I feel the reason lies somewhere in the logo they hold. I thought if that was really the case, then one can surely see a statement from each of these biggies as follows:

Google: "Dude logos are important. We have a special group assigned for that. Moreover there is a daily 2% 'Logo time' for each employee. Look at our color combination. Look at its display. Look how we repeat the colors. Look how letters flow. Look at their inclinations. Buddy, thats the secret behind our success."

Apple (after iPhone): "Obviously man. Do you think we don't take logos seriously. We spend millions of dollars over deciding what colors to choose, what shape to choose. Look at our logo. See the shape of the apple, the leaf. Look how just a single bite is out of that", with more of a sadistic smile "as if ready to eat Microsoft up. Buddy, thats the secret behind our success."

Ubuntu: "Boss, do you think we are mad to neglect importance of logos? We build our softwares afterward. First thing is to decide upon the logo. We make each member of open source community to come up with his own version and select best through voting. Look at the delicate design formed. Look at the font used. Look at the curves. Buddy, thats the secret behind our success."

Microsoft (after Vista): "Obviously man. Do you think we are mad to neglect importance of logos? Dude logos are important. We have a special group assigned for that. We build our softwares afterward. First thing is to decide upon the logo. We spend millions of dollars over deciding what colors to choose, what shape to choose. Look at our color combination. Look at its display. Look at the delicate design formed. Look at the font used. Look at the curves."

One guy with zero credibility senselessly stands up and puts a sensible question. "Sir, sorry to interrupt you. But whatever you are saying is a simple amalgamation of what Google, Apple and Ubuntu say. That is a copy from different sources."

In comes the reply from Microsoft guy, in the coolest possible way: "Buddy, thats the secret behind our success."

[PS: The above situation is completely a virtual (truth). No hard feelings intended. Yes but if someone does get hurt, I would just say one thing: "Go to hell".]

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